Identity theft affects millions of Americans each year. At Peoples Bank, we take the privacy and security of our customers’ information very seriously. That’s why we’ve decided to partner with United Bankers’ Bank to offer a credit monitoring and restoration product called ID TheftSmart™.
What is ID TheftSmart™?
ID TheftSmart™ provides consultation and comprehensive identity restoration in addition to continuous credit monitoring to safeguard your identity.
How do I enroll in ID TheftSmart™?
To enroll, contact or visit any of our Peoples Bank locations, or click the button located on the ID TheftSmart™ website page to download and fill out the form from your laptop or PC. Once the form is filled out, please return it to a Peoples Bank location or scan or email it to DigitalBanking@peoples-ebank.com. Must be 18 years or older to enroll.
Does ID TheftSmart™ prevent identity theft?
No identity theft program or service can guarantee you'll never be a victim of identity theft. What ID TheftSmart™ can deliver is continuous credit monitoring that alerts you as soon as there is questionable credit activity in your name, such as applying for a new credit card or loan, a change of address, etc. The earlier you discover suspicious activity, the less damage the identity thief can do.
If I know I have had an ID Theft incident prior to enrolling in ID TheftSmart™, can I still enroll and have the incident covered?
No. If either the victim had knowledge of, or reasonably should have had knowledge of, the pre-existing stolen identity event based on information provided to them prior to enrollment in the program, such an event or the consequences caused by it are not covered.
How does ID TheftSmart™ identity restoration work?
If you suspect you've become a victim of identity theft, simply call the toll-free number on your ID TheftSmart™ membership card. Our professional licensed investigators will do most of the difficult work needed to restore your name and credit to pre-event status as accurately, completely, and quickly as possible.
You'll be assigned a dedicated licensed investigator who will work your case through the entire identity theft restoration process. In order to receive the full benefit of enhanced identity theft restoration, you'll be asked to sign and return a limited power of attorney that provides your investigator the legal rights to become your advocate and work on your behalf.
How long does identity restoration take?
Identity restoration can take anywhere from a few months to a year or more, depending on how extensive the identity fraud is and how in-depth our investigators must go to get it corrected. Your case isn't closed until your restoration is complete to your satisfaction and we receive verification that your issue is resolved.
If it could take months to restore my identity, do I have to maintain my ID TheftSmart™ membership during the restoration period?
Yes, membership must be maintained throughout the restoration period.
How do identity thieves steal my personal information?
Identity thieves access your personal information in a number of traditional ways, such as stealing mail, rummaging through trash, or stealing a wallet or purse. But some identity thieves access personal information you share on the internet by hacking into databases or email accounts, or posing as a company you do business with - informing you that there is a problem with your account.