Mobile Deposit is an easy way to deposit checks to your eligible account through Peoples Bank Mobile Banking. Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about Mobile Deposit.
What is Mobile Deposit?
It allows you to make a deposit by taking a picture of the front and back of a check using your Apple or Android mobile device.
Is Mobile Deposit safe?
Yes, our mobile banking uses the same security infrastructure as our online banking featuring multiple layers of security, including password protection and the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) communication protocol, which employs 256-bit encryption.
What are the requirements to enroll in Mobile Deposit?
- Must be enrolled in Peoples Online Banking.
- Must be enrolled in Peoples Mobile Banking.
- For iPhone or iPad users, click the button below or go to the App Store and search MyPeoplesMobile and look for our logo.
- For Android users, click the button below or go to Google Play store and search MyPeoplesMobile and look for our logo.
3. The latest version of our Peoples Bank App must be downloaded to your Apple or Android mobile device.
Is there a cost for Mobile Deposit?
Currently, there is no cost for using Peoples Mobile Deposit and we will notify you if that ever changes.
(Standard data rates from your wireless provider still may apply.)
(Standard data rates from your wireless provider still may apply.)
How do I make a mobile deposit?
Once you have properly endorsed your check:
- From your Dashboard tap Deposit or from your Menu, tap Deposit Check.
- Tap Deposit a Check.
- Enter check amount and tap Continue.
- Choose the account to which to deposit your check.
- Take a photo of the front of your check. Tap 'Continue' if the photo is ok or tap Retake if you need to retake it.
- Once you have submitted the front of your check, take a photo of the back of your check. Tap Continue if the photo is ok or tap Retake if you need to retake it.
- Make sure all of the information is correct on the next screen. If it is, tap Submit.
- If everything is correct, you'll receive a Check Submitted message. Tap Ok. If something went wrong (i.e. not enough lighting on the check), you'll receive an error message explaining why your deposit did not work.
- When submitted correctly, your check will appear in the Remote Deposits section.
How will I know if my mobile deposit is successful?
You will receive an email confirmation from DigitalBanking@peoples-ebank.com stating that your deposit has been received for processing. Final confirmation occurs when you see the deposit added to your account balance.
Do I need to endorse the back of the check when I make a mobile deposit?
Yes. Before taking a picture of the check, endorse the check with your signature; then write For Mobile Deposit Only below your endorsement. PLEASE NOTE: If the back of the check is not properly endorsed, Peoples Bank reserves the right to reject the check for deposit.
Are there any checks I am not permitted to deposit using Mobile Deposit?
The following checks are not permitted:
- Checks not payable to you.
- Checks that have been altered or that are fraudulent.
- Checks payable jointly, unless deposited into an account in the name of all payees.
- Checks drawn on a financial institution located outside the United States or not payable in US currency.
What do I do with my check after I have deposited it?
Write Mobile Deposit and the date of the deposit on your check. Store the check for 7 days in a secure location to protect it from fraud. After the 7 days and you have confirmed the deposit has been processed and applied to your account, you are to destroy the check.
What if I accidentally submit the same deposit twice in error?
If the same deposit is submitted twice, you will receive an error message informing you the check has already been deposited and cannot be accepted.
What if my deposited check is returned…can I resubmit it?
No, if a check is returned for insufficient funds, you may not re-deposit the check using Mobile Deposit. You must then deposit the returned item at the bank. Our return check fee will be assessed as normal. (Please see Fee Schedule for details)
When can I expect to see the deposit posted to my account?
We process mobile deposits every business day at approximately 12:15 PM and 4:15 PM CST. If your mobile deposit was made after our 4:00pm cut-off time, your deposit will be processed the next available business day at 12:15 PM.
Can I deposit more than one check?
Yes, however each check is deposited separately to your account. If you have 3 checks to deposit, you will see 3 separate deposits posted to your account.
Are there limits to how much I can deposit through Mobile Deposit?
Yes, you may deposit up to $3,000 per day and $7,000 per calendar month using Mobile Deposit.
What if I need to deposit a check that exceeds my daily limit?
Please contact us at (833) 490-2742 Monday through Friday (non-holidays), 8:00 AM through 4:30 PM CST or email DigitalBanking@peoples-ebank.com(Opens in a new Window).
*Peoples Bank reserves the right to not process a deposit at any time.
**Peoples Bank reserves the right to terminate the usage of mobile deposit for a specific user at any time.
**Peoples Bank reserves the right to terminate the usage of mobile deposit for a specific user at any time.
Helpful Tips when taking a photo of your check
- Make sure the check has been endorsed and 'For Mobile Deposit Only' written below the endorsement.
- Take the photos of the check in a well-lit area and a contrasting background.
- Avoid shadows.
- Keep your phone flat and steady above the check when taking the photo.
- Keep the check within the parameters on the camera screen.
- Make sure the entire check is visible (all 4 corners).
- Flatten folded or crumpled checks prior to taking your photo.
- Make sure the check image is clear and the MICR line is readable (numbers on the bottom of the check).
- Carefully enter the amount of the check to ensure it matches the amount written on the check.
Why wasn’t my deposit accepted?
May be one of the following reasons:
May be one of the following reasons:
- The endorsement is missing (remember to take picture with the endorsement on left side of picture)
- The check has already been deposited.
- The image is of poor quality.
- The amount is not clear.
- The amount you entered is different than that being read from the image.
- The MICR line is not clear.
- The check is a foreign check or IRD (image replacement document)
- Peoples Bank reserves the right to not process your deposit at any time.
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